30 Dec Cracked heels
Cracked Heels
Two things you are probably doing wrong when treating your own cracked heels.
Did you know one of the most common concerns we see as Podiatrists, during the warmer months are dry, cracked and painful heels?
A build-up of hard skin called ‘hyperkeratosis’ becomes thick usually around your heels for a number of reasons. The skin can build up so much that it actually cracks – this is called a ‘heel fissure’. Have you ever had this before? If you have, then you’ll know it can be super painful! Not only is it uncomfortable but it increases your risk of getting an infection and reduces your ability to exercise and stay fit and healthy.
5 Reasons your heels can crack:
- Walking bare feet on hard surfaces
- Wearing thongs or flip flops
- Your foot posture
- underlying Tinea skin infection
Two things you are probably doing wrong when treating your own cracked heels:
- Applying betadine – a lot of people do this because betadine is an antiseptic and it can help to prevent infection once a heel fissure has formed. However, the heel fissure usually occurs because the skin is very dry, to begin with. Betadine or povidine/iodine antisceptic will only dry this out further and make the heel fissure or crack worse! My recommendation is – swap to a more soothing cream such as Solosite and keep it covered with an island dressing. You will need to see a Podiatrist ASAP to have it properly treated.
- Applying the wrong type of preventative cream. A lot of clients will say that they put cream on regularly but their heels STILL become dry and cracked. Sorbolene or Vitamin E cream will not work for this type of condition. You will need a urea-based cream. Urea is a keratolytic agent which means it moisturises the skin at the same time as enhancing the shedding of the skin cells ‘aka’ makes the hard thick top layer of your skin soft and comfortable again.
If you are having issues with dry, cracked or painful heels then book an appointment with us today. It is one of the easiest conditions to treat but needs to be done by a professional Podiatrist.
What does Podiatry Treatment for cracked heels involve?
Treatment usually involves firstly analysing the heel fissure presentation and identifying WHY it has occurred. Then, the skin can be gently and painlessly removed. The urea-based cream is applied at the appointment and you can walk out feeling 100 times better than when you walked in. It’s actually a very simple and easy fix. Sometimes the patient might be sent off to apply twice daily urea-based cream and a second appointment 7 days later is organised to ensure the heel cracks are completely gone.
If you have any questions about dry, cracked or painful heels then give us a call on 0413 288 698 or book an appointment today via our easy online booking system. For specific individual advice, consult your Podiatrist, Pharmacist or Doctor.
Laura, Podiatrist, The Foot Studio
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